Feliway’s Impact on the Pet Market: Emotional Support for Cats Adam.Baodunnov June 17, 2024

Feliway’s Impact on the Pet Market: Emotional Support for Cats

Cats are one of the most popular pets in Australia, cherished for their companionship and independent nature. According to Animal Medicines Australia (2019, p.09), cats are the second most popular pets among Australian households, with 27% of them owning a cat, contributing to the pet market growth. There are an estimated 3.8 million pet cats in the country, and the large majority of pet cats in Australia are mixed breeds.

As we all know, cats are very playful and curious. They are highly adaptable, making them suitable for various living environments, from apartments to larger homes. Local Threads Brand Solution Management (LTBSM) has come to understand that ensuring a cat’s emotional health is crucial. Practices such as regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and vaccinations are essential for maintaining their health.

The pet market has always been highly attractive to cross-border e-commerce sellers. Everything from food to accessories is available. However, opening a path in the pet market niche these days is not easy. Yet, one brand has managed to achieve the impossible by pioneering a track in emotional management for pets—Feliway.

Product Analysis 

LTBSM has become aware of Feliway, a brand that focuses on cat emotional management and health, utilizing feline pheromones—natural substances released by cats. These products help reduce tension in specific areas, preventing cat stress-related issues such as urine marking, inappropriate urination, and cat aggression among cats.

Feline pheromones can be considered cat anxiety treatment, as they are used to alleviate anxiety-related behaviors. In addition, LTBSM has observed that aside from their pheromone-based formulations, their products can be purchased as Feliway spray bottles or as a Feliway diffuser, which you can plug in.

The effectiveness of Feliway products is supported by numerous clinical studies published in scientific journals and cited in international conferences. These products are used and recommended by Veterinary recommended cat products veterinarians worldwide. 

According to Doncaster Veterinary Hospital, every time there are cat stress signs—especially noticeable when traveling with cats or introducing a new cat to a homeit’s a good time to use Feliway as it helps reduce signs of unhappiness in cats and helps them stay calm in stressful environments.

Independent Website Data 

The monthly visits to Feliways independent website are boastly high and have stable monthly traffic, with a significant web authority score of 55. This indicates a high level of trust and recognition among its audience.

In pet industry statistics, their organic search keywords are primarily product-related and LTBSM has noticed it consistently ranks first, demonstrating the brand’s leading position in its niche market.

Feliway’s Social Media Strategy

YouTube is immensely popular in Australia, with a significant portion of the population using it regularly. With that, LTBSM has observed on Feliway’s page that they produce high-quality video content related to pet products and pet behavior training. By optimizing titles, tags, and descriptions, they improve their videos’ search rankings and visibility.

Meanwhile, with over 1.1 million followers on Facebook, Feliway is leveraging Facebook’s social features to connect with users, share pet-related content, and enhance user engagement. They also utilize precise ad targeting to reach users who are most likely to be interested in their products.

As the pet care industry trends on Instagram, Feliway also optimizes its Instagram bio to convey its brand philosophy and product features. They post high-quality images and videos showcasing their products’ characteristics and advantages to attract user attention.

What You Can Learn From Feliway?

1. Choose an Extremely Niche Market

When it comes to pet products, 99% of merchants choose the pet accessories and toy industry, making these markets highly competitive. However, LTBSM has paid attention to Feliway, noting that Feliway has chosen this less crowded track, which is a Feliway success story and one of the few.

Just like humans, pets also have emotions. It is the pet owners’ responsibility to ensure their pets’ welfare. According to RSPCA Australia, understanding pets’ emotional needs involves addressing their emotional well-being. Caring for pets goes beyond attending to their physical needs; your cat also needs to experience positive emotions and express natural behaviors for good animal welfare.

Feliway recognized this and focused on soothing cat emotions, thus pioneering a unique market. Judging by their monthly traffic and sales, this choice has been very successful, offering other sellers a new path in the pet market.

2. Address Customer Pain Points

Every pet owner knows that pets can get stressed or exhibit seasonal behavioral changes. LTBSM has observed that Feliway has deeply researched cat behavior and understands their emotional responses in various situations. 

Pet care innovation enables pet owners to identify anxiety, tension, or unease in cats adjusting to new environments, interacting with other cats, or facing owner absence—effectively addressing customer pain points.

3. Trustworthy professionals certification

Feliway’s products are scientifically validated and clinically proven to be effective. Published in over 30 authoritative clinical research papers and review articles, their products prevent stress-related issues like inappropriate urination and reduce conflicts among cats. 

Moreover, it is trusted by professional veterinarians in over 40 countries. Feliway clinical studies indicate a customer satisfaction rate exceeding 90%, recommending the use of Feliway products to help cats solve various emotional and behavioral problems.

Cats are incredibly popular pets in Australia, valued for their companionship and adaptability. This pet market niche, which has a clear demand, has successfully navigated through precise targeting, differentiated competition, and innovative development strategies.

LTBSM has recognized Feliway’s success in this less crowded market segment, demonstrating its ability to understand and cater to customer pain points in pet care. By leveraging social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, Feliway enhances brand visibility and engages with a broad audience interested in pet products and behavior training. Their strategy of precise ad targeting and high-quality content has solidified their position as a leader in the pet care industry.

Let’s navigate the world of retail together. Contact LTBSM today for consultation and connect to garner insights and strategies to help your business succeed.


  1. Piper, K. (2021, August 6). The benefits of Feliway for Cats – Doncaster Vet. Doncaster Veterinary Hospital. https://www.doncastervet.com.au/pet-advice/feliway-for-cats#:~:text=When%20should%20I,consider%20using%20Feliway  

  2. Pets in Australia: – animal medicines australia. Pets in Australia: A national survey of pets and people. https://animalmedicinesaustralia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ANIM001-Pet-Survey-Report19_v1.7_WEB_high-res.pdf

  3. Elliot, R. (2022, November 24). Supporting the emotional wellbeing of dogs and cats. RSPCA Pet Insurance. https://www.rspcapetinsurance.org.au/pet-care/health-and-wellbeing/emotional-wellbeing-of-pets  

  4. https://us.feliway.com/blogs/testimonials